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Nehan-e Sesshin

* At Jikoji ZEN CENTER & onLINE (Zoom) *

MONDAY, February 10th - Sunday, February 16th

led by guiding teacher Pamela chōbun nenzen brown

Nehan-e Sesshin is part of a cycle of four traditional sesshins initiated by Kobun, Jikoji's founder, commemorating the ascent to Nirvana (death) of Shakyamuni Buddha.

We look forward to practicing with you!

Pamela Chobun Nenzen Brown was introduced to sitting meditation practice in 1976. Forty years later, as her father was declining with a neurodegenerative disease, she decided to stay seated. Pamela was ordained in Kobun Chino Otogawa Roshi's lineage by Shoho Michael Newhall in 2020 and received dharma transmission from Jakko Eso Vanja Palmers at Felsentor, Switzerland in 2022.

Those attending will be asked to help with some of the duties during sesshin, help with doan-ryo, help in the kitchen, help with serving meals and cleanup.

All are welcome! Please sign up below to register for the Sesshin. Oryoki meals are provided. You can reqeust Oryoki instruction when registering and we also recommend this video overview.

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