Mindfulness & Somatic Movement Workshop
With Chuck Hutchcraft & Amanda Graham
Listening to the body, tuning into the body, what does the body have to tell us?
A weekend workshop to dive into meditation and somatic movement led by Soto Zen Priest Chuck Hutchcraft & Somatic Movement Practitioner Amanda Graham.
Chuck Hutchcraft
Chuck Hutchcraft is a Soto Zen priest, licensed clinical social worker, and psychotherapist. His teaching and therapy practice are informed by Buddhist and Western psychologies and somatic awareness. Chuck began Zen practice in 1991 and was ordained in the Katigiri Roshi lineage in 2005 by Sojun Diane Martin, guiding teacher of the Udumbara Zen Center in Evanston, IL. He received dharma transmission in the Kobun Chino lineage from Sensei Dean Williams in 2019. Chuck is guiding teacher of grassroots Zen and mindfulness communities in northern and central Illinois. He is certified as a mindfulness teacher by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach.
Amanda Graham
Blending meditation and somatic practices, Amanda Graham has been a practitioner of zen and yoga for ten years. Certified Yoga & Somatic Movement Teacher through Prajna Yoga, she colorfully weaves traditional asanas with Feldenkrais and Hanna Somatics. Many of these practices are floor based to allow the body to sense and feel into its present moment experience. She teaches virtually online, offering both private & group classes. More information can be found on her website: heartfeltsomatics.com
OUR PROGRAM - full schedule, subject to minor changes
Dinner at 6pm
7:00pm Zazen
7:30 Opening Circle
8:30 Sunset Ridge Walk
Breakfast at 8am
9:30am Zazen
11am Movement
Lunch at 12pm
1:30pm Zazen
2:10pm Dharma Talk
3:10pm Movement
4pm Zazen
Dinner at 6pm
8pm optional sunset ridge walk
7:30 am Closing Circle
Breakfast at 8:30am
Sunday Program
10 am to 2pm
Meals are provided.