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Beyond Science and Buddhism

Beyond Science and Buddhism

Topic: Consciousness and Hinduism

The discussion group meets on the last Sunday of each month from 2 to 4 pm. Everyone is welcome, for all or part.

The group first selects a moderator and recognizes "experts" or practitioners within the main topics. They then introduces the topic, followed by questions and moderated open discussion.

Each meeting concludes with a brief discussion of the following month's topic. An optional short period of zazen and a potluck or leftovers supper may follow.

Suggested Readings, and Talks

August 31 2 - 4 pm: Consciousness, and Hinduism 

Consciousness References:

  • * NYTimes article, Beyond Energy, Matter, Time and Space discusses possibilities, despite anthropomorphism, of what might be beyond science, e.g., consciousness and mathematics. (Most scientists think that consciousness is biologically based, physiological, rising to our perceptions of consciousness through psychological projections and emotions but embodied within the manifold activities of billions of neurons, and trillions of living interconnections, in each human brain. ) 
    * Stanford Medicine, summer 2014, p 36 ff, "Going Under" discusses monitors of consciousness levels (awakeness) now in use by anesthesiologists in Operating Rooms, (EEG-based numeric displays or EEG displays). 
    * Google "levels of consciousness" (or types, states, and theories) for thousands of perspectives and aspects.

Consciousness Discussion:

  • * Monitoring and Training potential for zazen and shikantaza, using Fit-Bit-like or related products in a few years 
    * Levels, states, types, and theories of consciousness 
    * Parallels between senses and consciousness, e.g., Prajna Paramita Sutra

The possibility raised in the NYTimes article above, that mathematics is essentially independent from the universe, beyond science, is even more intriguing, along the lines of Platonic Ideals and of Pythagoreanism, also relating to Hinduism's main paths to God, Knowledge, Devotion, Service, and Psycho-physical Exercises (Yoga, extending through Sammadhi). 

Hinduism References 

NYTimes article: What Would Krishna Do? Or Shiva? Or Vishnu? 

This article, by Gary Gutting on Hinduism, provides a readable overview of many issues in Philosophy, beyond Platonic Ideals and of Pythagoreanism and beyond the other major religions, including Buddhism. 

Two beautifully illustrated books will be on the coffee table in Jikoji's community living room, probably by Sunday August 24

  • * "World's Religions", by Huston Smith, pp. 17 - 57 are on Hinduism, slightly academic view 
    * "Sammadhi, Personal Journeys to Spiritual Truth", offers poetic and pictoral accounts from over 100 sadhus and swamis

I am hoping that our Indian participants will serve as experts and/or moderators for this discussion.

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Earlier Event: August 10
Heart Hacking Workshop
Later Event: September 14
The Forms of Practice