October 27 @ 2pm

Presence: Heart of Well-Being

On October 27 our monthly Science & Buddhism Discussion was on “Presence: Heart of Well-Being,” based on the book “Aware” by Dan Siegel and “The Strange Order of Things” by Antonio Damasio. Taizan Mark Adams led our discussion.

aware presence.png
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The subject of awareness and presence, like the Zen notion of awakening, brings up the question, "So what? Why is it important? Doesn't being more aware/awake mean MORE suffering for us? Here is where the zen notion of "skillful means" comes up, as one way or another we have to act—as even restraint (doing nothing) is itself a kind of action.

To accelerate our discussions, here’s a link to an audio recording of a complete guided meditation I led using the “wheel of awareness” practice that is at the heart of the book “Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence”:

“Loosening the Grip of Self: A Deep Dive into the Wheel of Awareness Practice”

And in lieu of the usual dharma talk on the Buddhist aspect of the same topic, here is a link to an audio recording of a dharma talk I gave to summarize why using neuroscience such as found in “Aware” and “The Strange Order of Things” may accelerate spiritual development and how it can lead to a strengthening of our Buddhist principle of “skillful means”:

“Zen, Skillful Means, and the Fast Pass to Spiritual Development”


As always, our “Last Sundays” Science & Buddhism discussions are quite open and informal with all invited to participate.

All are welcome. No prior experience with science, Buddhism, or meditation is necessary. Hope to see you there!

Sunday Program: We also invite you to join us that Sunday morning for our 10 am Sunday Program, Dharma Talk, and social lunch, ahead of our 2 pm Science & Buddhism session.