August 30 @ 2pm

* Meeting online via Zoom *

Investigating by Buddhism and by Science:
Why, What and How?

Jikoji is closed, but we’ll be going online for our August 30, Science & Buddhism discussion, which will be led by Jikoji Term Practitioner John Somers. Join us via Zoom at 2pm.

Zoom meeting (link starts Zoom)



To help maintain as best we can the intimacy and integrity of an in-person gathering, we ask all who join us online to please observe the following practices.

  1. Sign in using real name.
  2. Keep microphone muted unless speaking during discussion periods.
  3. Maintain zendo silence during meditation periods and while waiting for discussion period to begin.
  4. Keep camera on and maintain facial visibility during discussion period.
  5. Anonymous participation online will not be permitted, as it would not be permitted in person.


As always, our “Last Sundays” Science & Buddhism discussions are quite open and informal with all invited to participate.

All are welcome. No prior experience with science, Buddhism, or meditation is necessary. Hope to see you there!